Map Ranking

I Cavalieri Templari

Tribe name:I Cavalieri Templari
Number of members:25
Points of the best 25 players21.073
Total points:21.073
Average points:843
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 1.173 (91.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
el bobino 1 1,763 474 1
?army 2 1,515 714 1
Snule 3 1,417 768 1
Spanac96 4 1,305 919 1
numero uno 5 1,251 997 1
Alfzon 6 1,212 1064 1
Numa1994 7 1,183 1111 1
ReAct 8 1,119 1221 1
swamprati 9 1,069 1337 1
DarkAndGoldenEyed 10 988 1452 1
charlius 11 918 1571 1
fintopro 12 884 1638 1
Grape Ape 13 823 1761 1
Lella1 14 793 1814 1
Bradipo 15 766 1868 1
Paperamafalda 16 634 2171 1
Red Sealed 17 573 2303 1
Branagos 18 551 2363 1
hongsblues 19 532 2402 1
ilmastino 20 449 2638 1
SlackerJ 21 364 3025 1
Ciccioboia 22 286 3376 1
Mgiorgioit 23 269 3437 1
PNLEW 24 252 3511 1
supermario69 25 157 4068 1
+CT+ was founded by ilmastino. If you have questions please contact ilmastino.

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