Map Ranking

uncle mops dutyfree shop

Tribe name:uncle mops dutyfree shop
Number of members:21
Points of the best 25 players11.866
Total points:11.866
Average points:565
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 17.561 (21.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
pruyst 1 1,264 1188 1
Sepi1 2 1,044 1529 1
eRdy 3 878 1822 1
meenew 4 854 1871 1
MangoJelly 5 829 1913 1
kapotas 6 817 1930 1
deivydas 7 799 1964 1
bole13 8 719 2109 1
HanLo 9 665 2213 1
King of persia11 10 527 2523 1
Lapitekk 11 527 2524 1
dak bal 12 450 2769 1
Tira0303 13 442 2802 1
Son of Tribal Wars 14 350 3189 1
D1r3kt0r 15 298 3395 1
jhem04 16 296 3400 1
357kg 17 260 3544 1
Damascus14kgmail 18 258 3553 1
Tira Village 19 217 3740 1
fromo111 20 209 3784 1
scorpion 21 163 4104 1