Map Ranking


Tribe name:The WHO
Number of members:22
Points of the best 25 players19.017
Total points:19.017
Average points:864
Preferred languages:
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
oluja 1 1,590 80 1
Boreau 2 1,329 153 1
jobemist 3 1,306 162 1
Birth of birds 4 1,190 220 1
pickonja 5 1,142 262 1
cobra2000 6 1,089 299 1
Heaven on earth 7 1,075 318 1
voloda 8 911 555 1
BioHunterC 9 909 557 1
Sava 10 818 729 1
Roske 11 773 851 1
Goldnblack 12 791 861 1
xXicePenguinXx 13 761 889 1
Alexandro 14 724 1004 1
anahil 15 648 1236 1
dalachi 16 645 1242 1
Enchiladas7 17 631 1290 1
Adee573 18 627 1311 1
DerAlte089 19 574 1525 1
yamagoya 20 523 1674 1
CardMaster 21 513 1781 1
MadQuestionThem 22 448 2013 1
WHO was founded by Boreau. If you have questions please contact Boreau.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.