Map Ranking

Step Bros

Tribe name:Step Bros
Number of members:15
Points of the best 25 players74.968
Total points:74.968
Average points:4.998
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 186.189 (183.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
BillyBobTheGreat 1 8,691 851 1
Losmi86 2 8,057 871 6
Drag on 3 6,715 918 4
lentch 4 6,191 943 3
napoleon2 5 6,171 946 2
Ajroo 6 6,163 947 2
Gospod MATKO 7 5,183 1003 2
Provitamin 8 4,728 1039 2
goldleaf 9 4,511 1056 2
elio 10 4,332 1071 1
F14LAY 11 3,989 1093 2
matiasv 12 3,684 1125 1
Teomalan 13 3,331 1160 1
kongkab 14 2,822 1228 1
Clover38 15 400 1769 1
SB was founded by Losmi86. If you have questions please contact Losmi86.

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