Map Ranking


Tribe name:SIDESWIPE
Number of members:16
Points of the best 25 players31.113
Total points:31.113
Average points:1.945
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 10.362 (43.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Kastle 1 5,229 65 2
Vbto 2 4,901 75 1
rayzx 3 3,711 126 1
Burnsty 4 3,442 153 1
jungmu 5 1,970 502 1
met4lhead 6 1,760 640 1
LEAODEN3DJE 7 1,728 669 1
doydoy2000 8 1,614 769 1
spiralling 9 1,487 908 1
disflame 10 1,065 1498 1
varmonger 11 1,032 1553 1
DAYTOK 12 733 2081 1
Vaikas 13 687 2169 1
SloppyIsBack 14 684 2178 1
I.R.Tigah 15 626 2342 1
A-rman 16 444 2795 1
Do you have what it takes to attack from the SIDES in SILENCE?


Status: Status: Open | Selectively Open | Closed

For diplomatic matters, do contact our Ambassadors SloppyIsBack or Kastle


Status: Open | Selectively Open | Closed

Our finest recruiters SloppyIsBack or Kastle can assist with recruitment inquiries.