Map Ranking


Tribe name:~REAPERS W-140~
Number of members:25
Points of the best 25 players31.065
Total points:31.065
Average points:1.243
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 12.968 (31.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Tito10 1 2,111 414 1
pab444 (Baron-Operations) 2 1,825 586 1
Flammanyo 3 1,661 734 1
John55 4 1,631 753 1
apichai99 5 1,599 773 1
Ap man 6 1,574 807 1
happygilmour97 7 1,598 817 1
cam142 8 1,475 907 1
leejieun 9 1,435 960 1
Dads Army 10 1,373 1035 1
topdog2990 (Baron-Operations) 11 1,373 1072 1
Vortigen (Baron-Strategy) 12 1,321 1112 1
marijan61 13 1,279 1164 1
Titian 14 1,255 1201 1
Slaveci 15 1,247 1216 1
LOK621 (Baron-Communications) 16 1,239 1228 1
waring king (Leader) 17 1,063 1501 1
Rider09 18 984 1630 1
Demonique 19 917 1756 1
bazzikz 20 886 1843 1
amathaon 21 857 1863 1
general saber (Leader) 22 796 1969 1
wranx 23 628 2288 1
jimbo634 24 618 2316 1
kiera88 25 320 3317 1
REAPER was founded by general saber. If you have questions please contact general saber.






Elite Team Of Highly Skilled Dedicated, Loyal & Honest Members & Leaders Ready to Serve and Defend against all Aggressors and Aggressive Tribes

**United We Stand**


Nobleman Swordsman Nobleman

Leader- General Saber

Diplomacy, Alliances, Naps, Disputes, Diplomatic

Nobleman Axeman Nobleman

Contact Leader- General Saber - we will be Glad to Assist you With All your Diplomatic Needs.




Now Recruiting Highly Experience Offensive Players & Highly Experience Defensive Team Members, Come Join us Today!

Attention: Only Highly Motivated & Extremely Active Players Serious About Winning Need To Appy! We Want The Best Of The Best But All we Accept will Be given The Chance To Prove Themselves. Inactivity is Unacceptable. and Not Allowed Here. Only Loyal Members Only!

Warning! (No Tribe Jumpers) Zero Tolerance Don't even apply if you can't stay or be Loyal we only want Serious Leaders & Members for the Long-haul No Excuses


Only Loyal, Honest, Dedicated Members Appy, No Traitors, If you Leave to Join a Enemy Tribe you will be our Enemy. If you cant be Loyal we don't want you. No Drama! If you want that I sure there are other Tribes that accommodate you Not Happening here.

Warning: Poaching is Zero Tolerance an Act of War Action will be Taken Leading to a War Declaration.

Scouting is an Act of War and will lead to war.

Any And All Attacks Of Any Type will be Considered A Act Of War.
