Map Ranking

Bleuchatel Blue

Tribe name:Bleuchatel Blue
Number of members:23
Points of the best 25 players44.404
Total points:44.404
Average points:1.931
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 3.143 (85.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
heppelund 1 5,314 62 2
PapiHjuss 2 5,097 68 1
Zirikooz 3 4,408 95 1
blandfaers 4 2,688 249 1
Simonsuger 5 2,337 334 1
Jewison 6 2,146 399 1
Joe707 7 1,971 527 1
balenciaganboba 8 1,911 533 1
Abenk07 9 1,765 628 1
Goth Gotherson 10 1,694 687 1
PAPEPOPOO 11 1,682 698 1
Ranger271234 12 1,587 786 1
MrWhisky21 13 1,539 840 1
Timtation 14 1,483 904 1
fife 15 1,348 1077 1
demartijn 16 1,184 1309 1
SubLethall 17 1,161 1355 1
Day trader 18 1,032 1549 1
NEDRUN 19 951 1684 1
FinalRumour 20 941 1706 1
shaggey69 21 931 1716 1
SteamUser1718385143 22 772 2017 1
pureluck 23 462 2734 1
Drinking wine and eating cheese, and catching some rays, you know

Woof, woof, woof! That's my other dog imitation.