Map Ranking


Tribe name:POP!
Number of members:24
Points of the best 25 players34.817
Total points:34.817
Average points:1.451
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 5.289 (24.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Tyrell Wellick 1 2,830 72 1
Luffey 2 2,371 94 1
Vuke 3 2,262 106 1
Time To Shine 4 2,062 132 1
CSDS 5 1,777 196 1
joewells 6 1,685 230 1
pierrelesax 7 1,547 297 1
Megajoe5370 8 1,514 322 1
Pajp 9 1,474 344 1
ledzitas 10 1,464 352 1
Simultaneous 11 1,462 354 1
zinok 12 1,329 471 1
AifoS 13 1,315 483 1
RyanLsk 14 1,282 518 1
AxelXIII 15 1,257 539 1
JD047 16 1,195 626 1
mazuri 17 1,180 640 1
rage277 18 1,126 711 1
magicalunicorn 19 1,035 874 1
Jeff Saunier 20 1,000 924 1
lostwon 21 970 984 1
bacocar2 22 927 1085 1
Vorsakend 23 894 1164 1
Noobie1 24 859 1239 1
Tyrell Wellick for any questions or a chat.


For recruitment, ensure you have evidence of strong farming/scavenging.