Map Ranking


Tribe name:Farmgods
Number of members:20
Points of the best 25 players19.235
Total points:19.235
Average points:962
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 7.666 (52.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Lecbivant 1 3,370 161 1
Damianowo 2 1,892 558 1
Tryme2 3 1,640 749 1
CuteCupid 4 1,491 918 1
Gaarde 5 1,386 1049 1
ZhenDo 6 1,260 1197 1
Wangbu 7 977 1644 1
perrune97 8 946 1695 1
Menduro 9 913 1782 1
Akrast 10 821 1924 1
Gnistan98 11 798 1968 1
zocrne 12 536 2499 1
Mickey.Mouse 13 529 2517 1
Warrior999 14 508 2569 1
Punkt 15 461 2737 1
Kysperion 16 458 2748 1
Zandah17 17 454 2813 1
Saphira 18 396 2971 1
Naomi1 19 350 3189 1
dorj 20 49 5813 1
Farmm was founded by Gnistan98. If you have questions please contact Gnistan98.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.