Map Ranking


Tribe name:JustForFun
Number of members:7
Points of the best 25 players22.204
Total points:22.204
Average points:3.172
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 2.576 (88.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
ruab 1 13,224 4 5
Cudworth5 2 3,788 116 1
Tolyan 3 1,817 585 1
pSyk1K 4 1,220 1255 1
*-Artemis-* 5 1,032 1534 1
emttaff 6 619 2305 1
dominatur 7 504 2580 1
JFF was Found by ruab.

The tribe for old friends and new players who want to play with out any pressure. The tribe is open for almoust every one :-)

Diplomatc issu, you take contact with ruab