Map Ranking

Band of Soldiers

Tribe name:Band of Soldiers
Number of members:25
Points of the best 25 players25.805
Total points:25.805
Average points:1.032
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 1.830 (14.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
lonyd 1 1,682 65 1
Klapnidas 2 1,744 67 1
Kachura 21 3 1,473 105 1
Phoenix iz Pepela 4 1,426 121 1
Alen77 5 1,335 144 1
dreamarcher 6 1,271 179 1
UsraneGate123 7 1,217 207 1
Mr.Red009 8 1,123 271 1
ThereIsNoPlanB 9 1,137 276 1
Stralman01 10 1,112 304 1
Nnejcc 11 1,081 320 1
Norb 12 1,054 350 1
s1xT 13 1,035 357 1
krnmhrzn 14 1,021 392 1
casteur 15 943 497 1
shadow.empire 16 939 500 1
NiTeYoDa 17 911 554 1
Cered 18 938 561 1
Kebaburek 19 885 606 1
maynou 20 773 853 1
LuizLagzz 21 712 1080 1
Parmenion V 22 676 1143 1
epicfarming 23 570 1558 1
Taher 24 490 1831 1
MrMeowBlub 25 257 3039 1


Have questions? ask Cered or epicfarming
They might answer you or they might not, depends on their mood.

Diplomacy: limited | Contact: Cered

Recruitment: limited | Contact: almaican