Map Ranking


Tribe name:CLAP
Number of members:22
Points of the best 25 players60.397
Total points:60.397
Average points:2.745
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 62.784 (3.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Stabby Stabby Spear 1 7,775 24 2
dendummie 2 6,934 30 1
Tarco 3 5,500 58 3
Sarelle 4 5,094 69 1
DirtbagSoM 5 2,891 213 1
Andyyberg 6 2,781 228 1
zaramoth 7 2,706 243 1
Clushy 8 2,674 252 1
lelelel 9 2,272 351 1
Parmeza 10 2,179 386 1
rainfrog 11 2,167 393 1
StephenHboi 12 2,141 400 1
jamesyp91 13 2,105 419 1
rasione 14 2,099 423 1
zan12231 15 1,793 605 1
brambo1211 16 1,552 827 1
Spirit011 17 1,522 854 1
Meshpit 18 1,501 876 1
Brambo99 19 1,450 941 1
The Dad Leroy 20 1,393 1011 1
phoenix1958 21 1,150 1367 1
Sanlup 22 718 2112 1
When the tribe was formed, the universe applauded. Don't resist, just CLAP.

Recruitment is selective. If you feel you would be a valuable addition, please reach out to The Dad Leroy or Stabby Stabby Spear.

We are a tribe founded on respect and kindness. We dont smack talk eachother, and we respect those around us, even when its hard to. This is our brand, and we take it seriously. We would appriciate it if you left the toxic gamer attitude and the ego at the doormat when you deal with us. Otherwise we might have to CLAP it out of you.