Map Ranking

Valley Of Blossoms

Tribe name:Valley Of Blossoms
Number of members:17
Points of the best 25 players7.275
Total points:7.275
Average points:428
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 46 (80.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Richardthesix (Baron) 1 832 861 1
PiiiKaaaCuuuuu 2 815 899 1
getitfred (Baron) 3 662 1340 1
zanozano 4 660 1349 1
Lilleauren12g 5 587 1587 1
habe41 6 549 1719 1
CrohamHurst 7 488 1970 1
morgie666 8 476 2013 1
Misdemeanor 9 371 2461 1
Henkepenke73 10 351 2566 1
drakelius (Co-Duke) 11 334 2641 1
bsjptpt 12 279 2962 1
Bossman06 (Co-Duke) 13 264 3052 1
jens567 14 187 3523 1
jogardus 15 166 3689 1
lamigra (Co-Duke) 16 154 3786 1
orsamannen (Baron) 17 100 4069 1
MS was founded by drakelius. If you have questions please contact drakelius.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.