Map Ranking

40 acres and a mule

Tribe name:40 acres and a mule
Number of members:25
Points of the best 25 players24.456
Total points:24.456
Average points:978
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 1.653 (16.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Oveedew 1 3,339 16 1
Volbeat 2 2,034 42 1
mormooo 3 1,394 132 1
critical hitz 4 1,233 221 1
NinjaGosling 5 1,096 292 1
Mutsu 6 1,093 296 1
TealEloise 7 1,003 400 1
Reaper1991 8 961 460 1
Skiinkan 9 932 515 1
Demonslayerx2000 10 915 550 1
tokyodrift86 11 846 674 1
Wookstaaa 12 834 716 1
Aametsu 13 814 741 1
HenryLT 14 836 769 1
Blad3 15 783 819 1
georgia 83 16 773 848 1
MrNakata 17 745 937 1
MilllerLite 18 710 1039 1
jamie2099 19 685 1178 1
Grumpy old Turtle 20 651 1216 1
Chigley1968 21 595 1419 1
Draget 22 565 1523 1
Ronin Miyamoto Musashi 23 555 1564 1
Deano. 24 543 1608 1
kiboxuco 25 521 1683 1
Welcome to "40 Acres and a Mule," a cherished family ranch In the heart of Tribalwars.

This homestead has been a cornerstone of our family for generations, steeped in rich history and deep-rooted traditions.

Here, hard work under endless farm skies offer a haven where time slows down, and every sunrise brings the promise of a new day's adventure.

From tending to livestock to cultivating crops that nourish both body and soul, our ranch embodies the essence of hard work, dedication, and the bond that ties us to the land.

Ronin Miyamoto Musashi

Ronin Miyamoto Musashi
