Map Ranking


Tribe name:Uefa
Number of members:17
Points of the best 25 players22.127
Total points:22.127
Average points:1.302
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 17.694 (7.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Stålhanske 1 4,674 34 3
egrob 2 3,505 61 2
xray (Forumsmoderator) 3 1,519 441 1
chees 4 1,404 555 1
Hasse68 5 1,246 756 1
Wing (Hertig) 6 1,252 765 1
Laredo 7 1,172 814 1
vossler 8 1,119 900 1
Drakish 9 987 1168 1
tryit 10 757 1651 1
Michael66 11 738 1700 1
Qvisten 12 730 1722 1
LasseMajja 13 668 1853 1
Tyke den store 14 654 1892 1
paparucino (Advisor) 15 641 1925 1
Toen (Baron) 16 628 1968 1
Tom50 17 433 2532 1
Ufo skapades av Wing. Om du har några frågor kontakta Wing.

Ufo is a tight group of experienced players. We will grow along with defending our territory and assests untill the end.

diplomacy: open
(All friendly offers of diplomacy will be considered)
Message Wing

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