Map Ranking

The Alliance

Tribe name:The Alliance
Number of members:10
Points of the best 25 players117.072
Total points:117.072
Average points:11.707
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 1.173.844 (88.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Murat1978 1 28,968 542 8
*srm* 2 24,593 581 7
jfire99 3 17,983 674 9
hoover 4 13,183 756 3
Kentaru101118 5 12,204 773 8
friuli55 6 8,945 866 5
vytas33d 7 5,263 1028 1
Dmauh 8 4,540 1085 2
KingObaid (Tribe Founder) 9 1,224 1548 1
Raknar 10 169 2054 1
ALLY was founded by KingObaid. If you have questions please contact KingObaid or any Tribe Elder

ALLY and ALLY 2 are apart of the same alliance.