Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 4.369 (113.)
Tribe: EDM
Night bonus: Current: 05:00-13:00

Villages (4) Coordinates Points
435|543 4.908
431|546 1.218
435|544 325
433|544 102
Personal picture
Personal text
In the shadowy and vast lands of Tribal Wars, there doth emerge a mighty figure, feared by many and respected by all: Empinator. 'Tis not merely a name, but a declaration of power, a warning that the storm draweth nigh. With an aggressive and expansive style, Empinator hath carved an empire forged by the strength of his will, expanding without cease, conquering without mercy.

Like an unyielding force of nature, his strategy knoweth no bounds nor barriers. Enemies tremble at the sound of his name, knowing that behind those syllables lieth the promise of a battle without quarter. For Empinator, diplomacy is but another tool in his arsenal, wielded with the same skill as his armies upon the battlefield.

Rival tribes know well: to align with Empinator is to secure a mighty ally; to oppose him, a challenge that may lead to ruin. In the world of Tribal Wars, where the survival of the fittest is the sole law, Empinator not only surviveth; he doth dominate.

His presence is a constant reminder that in the game of power, only those with the audacity to expand, the skill to lead, and the strength to fight emerge victorious. Empinator is not merely a player; he is a living legend, a titan of strategy and might, whose legacy shall resound in the chronicles of Tribal Wars for generations to come.

P.S. Non obstante modestis lineamentis et simplicitatis aura, essentia mea cum innato charismate se contexit.

Social achievements
The mentor (Silver - Level 3)

As a mentor, train 5 apprentices.

Other achievements
Years of Service (Gold - Level 14)

Play Tribal Wars for 14 years.