Map Ranking

All That Remain

Tribe name:All That Remain
Number of members:23
Points of the best 25 players207.834.190
Total points:207.834.190
Average points:9.036.269
Preferred languages:
Opponents defeated: 2.936.123.312 (2.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Unablee (Lord of the North) 1 19,116,939 3 1758
Absolutely Oblivious (King Slayer) 2 18,265,839 4 1542
All Under Heaven (Bot Destroyer) 3 13,504,579 10 1291
EternityCules- 4 12,308,057 13 1085
kapien 5 12,259,738 14 1216
Fake Off 6 12,164,181 15 1125
Luke and Luke 7 11,549,338 17 1121
nero89 (Nero the Hero) 8 10,938,097 18 1047
Loyalty 9 10,751,303 20 1020
jeblen912 (Bob Ross) 10 10,596,229 21 1049
DarKness Frieza 11 9,949,283 23 978
Cheesey 24 12 9,728,066 25 955
sof10 13 8,208,253 31 823
WannaPlayAGame. 14 7,507,704 35 722
Omnomnom 15 7,494,899 36 701
baranne 16 7,329,368 37 732
The jokerman 17 5,601,046 45 521
Bassefrom 18 4,793,598 52 459
THE RONIN 19 4,595,585 53 421
dener 20 3,095,376 59 307
Tiganul 21 2,899,818 61 296
Y1K2 22 2,603,733 65 276
lloyd5. 23 2,573,161 66 266